Buy MATIC from CoinSpot
Learn how to buy the native Polygon MATIC token from CoinSpot; so you can send it to your newly created MetaMask wallet and mint your first Everyday Sloth NFT.
Buying Matic from an exchange
If you live in Austrlia, by far the easiest way to purchase native Matic coins is via an exchange. Everyday Sloths is based in Australia so for that reason, we recommend using The other main reason we suggest using CoinSpot, is it has a really nice feature to send your newly purchased Matic coins, to your MetaMask wallet natively on the Polygon network.
Create an account with CoinSpot
To get started, create an account with CoinSpot, and be sure to activate 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) to keep your newly created account secure.
Deposit funds
Once you’ve created your account. You can now deposit some $AUD into your account funds so you can buy Matic coin. Click the “Deposit funds” button on the top left.
For help on this see CoinSpots Help centre.
Find the Matic Token
Once you have funds in your account balance, you’re ready to buy some Matic. Click the “Buy/Sell” menu button, and do a search for “Matic” or “Polygon” and click buy.
Buying Matic
Each Everyday Sloth will cost 120 Matic to mint, so buy enough to cover the amount of NFTs you’re expecting to mint. Also, add 1-2 Matic more to allow for the very low GAS fees you’ll be charged when you mint.
Congratulations, you’ve just brought Matic!
You’re all set! Now if you click the “Wallets” menu item you’ll be able to see your Matic/Polygon Wallet setup and it will have the amount of Matic you purchased in there.
The next, and final step is to send your Matic coins to your MetaMask wallet. Thankfully, CoinSpot has made this super simple. Follow the guide below.